If you have any mushroom drawings, photos, or even just a doodle, please
send that in at Magnus_Barefoot@hotmail.com - and we will get your picture
up ASAP.
*Special thanks to Nedda A. Shishegar who has turned in some
real masterpieces*
Fly Amanitas
( Nedda Shishegar )
Fairy Amanitas (
Nedda Shishegar )
Gargantuan Amanitas
( Nedda Shishegar )
Indigo Amanitas ( Nedda Shishegar )
Misty Mushroom Field ( Thomas Duffy
Magic Mushrooms ( Michelle 'Silverfoot'
Spier )
Psilocybe Warriors
( Mark B. )
Pinky's Mushroom ( Russ Gillenwater )
( Dedicated to Haley 'Pinky' Sweet )
Lavender Toadstools ( Russ Gillenwater
Mushroom Dwelling ( Toeflax )
Dottish Puffballs ( Mariah Sybert )
The Lawn Toadstools (
'Jake the Shrew' )
Pukey Green Fungus ( 'Jake the Shrew
Two-faced Russuala ( 'Jake the Shrew' )
Toadstool Home ( 'Jake the Shrew' )